Title: Manager/Caretaker Full or Part time positions available. Duties include leasing, rent collection, residential relations, maintenance supervision and cleaning. Apartment and salary in exchange.
Contact: Fax resume attention HR
Fax: 612-861-8535
Title: Assistant Property Manager Full or part time positions. Duties include: Resident relations, rent collection, leasing, employee supervision. Knowledge of customer service, accounting and computer skills helpful. Certifications: CRM helpful.
Contact: Fax resume attention HR
Fax: 612-861-8535
Title: Maintenance Technician Full or part time positions. Duties include: Mechanical, appliance, electrical and plumbing repair, on call scheduling. Must provide own tools and transportation. Certifications: CRMT, Special Class Boiler.s License, CPO helpful.
Contact: Fax resume attention HR
Fax: 612-861-8535
Title: Caretaker Team Part time positions. Duties include: Daily cleaning, turnover cleaning, minor maintenance, snow shoveling, grounds work, on call scheduling, assisting the Manager.
Contact: Fax resume attention HR
Fax: 612-861-8535